Thursday 29 November 2012

Show Time!

I know it's a cliche but where does the time go? I haven't had any time to write a blog post since October! When I started this little blog, I thought I'd have time to do at least a post a week! Well, nearly 6 weeks since the last post there seems to be something not quite right with my calculations!

So, what has been keeping me so busy I here you ask. Simple. Two big retail shows. Those of you that follow me on Twitter, Facebook or my personal fave, Instagram will know that we attended the Country Living Christmas Fair at the beginning of November, and the Wealden Times Midwinter Fair just last week. 

 Up to Islington we went with the van loaded up with Redhound goodies to sell to the lovely ladies (and some gentlemen) who attend this very popular sanctuary of retail therapy.

This year I made the stand look very Christmassy, and we topped up our stock with lots of dog treats from our friends at the Beach Dog Bakery, another Kent based business. 

We had garlands, baubles, brightly coloured leather collars, and snowflake Christmas jumpers.

All of our beloved vintage dogs on wheels went to good homes with delighted new owners. It never ceases to amaze me just how popular these little dogs are. 

What I love about this show is that it is a great time to catch up with some old friends, and being in London, a few nights out at lovely eating establishments! Drinks with the lovely ladies at Poppy Children, and a meal at Bill's with Poppy Treffry were both enjoyable.  

Five frantic days ensued and much stock was sold, and the van was a little lighter on the way back home.

One week later, after frantically making up the orders that had come in while we were away, we set up for  our local fair at Bedgebury, The Wealden Times Midwinter Fair. Seemingly just as popular as the Country Living Fair. I was a little concerned that no dogs were allowed (they were encouraged at the Summer Fair) but I need not have. The lovely ladies of the Weald came and loved what we do, and bought their dogs coats, collars and Christmas Crackers! 

It's been a bit less frantic at The Barn this week. Only one show to do, The Rare Brands Market at The Corn Exchange in Brighton next week. Friday 7th and Saturday 8th December. Pop in if you are in town. 

Roll on Christmas I need a rest!!!