Monday 25 June 2012

Raincoats for all Dogs

It has been wet lately. Understatement!June has not been basking in sun, but battered by rain, the wettest it has been for many a decade. A fact that has not escaped us here at Redhound HQ. My sewing machine has been whizzing up many a rain coat for many different shaped hounds to keep them pesky raindrops off.
It got me thinking, that you may not know that we 

a)make to measure & 
b)have breed specific sized and shaped coats

And here are those special cases

Dachshunds. They present a few issues. This means that they require a whole different shaped coat. Straight back, big ears, and short bodies! But they are wonderful dogs, and we can now accommodate their little bodies, and you can buy your beloved a coat that won't be massive in the body because you had to buy the right length. It has a popper front too.

Spaniels. Wonderful Dogs. Often not in need of a coat at all, as they seem to love getting wet!! But, some owners of these super dogs, don't have a downstairs shower to wash them down after a walk and have asked us to come up with a design that covers the underneath. I give you the Kent coat. It does the trick. Won't keep all of your furry friend dry, but will do a pretty good job! 

The Terrier! Well, my experience at the many shows we do up and down the land, is that these busy little dogs really don't like having a coat put over their heads! So, if you value your hands as I do, you will need our Popper Fronted Dartmoor Coat. Easy, problem solved.

And onto my favourite breed, the whippet! Obviously I am bias, I admit it, but it is a breed who's shape I have come to be very familiar with over the last 9 years. They have small heads and necks, long skinny bodies that curve near the tail. So, we do a special Whippet shape. This will not drown your dog because you had to buy a long coat, and will sit neatly around the neck. Just look at Barney and Cloud here. Neat.

Labradoodles. Not really in need of a coat, but illustrating that if you don't want a soaking wet dog on the late night comfort break, our standard shape will fit these lovely hounds to perfection.

So, I hope that helps. The Redhound guide to getting the right coat for your dog! I know this rain is good for business, but I really really would like it to stop now. Enough.

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Bruno, my muse

I look at lots of images of dogs in my business, and it got me thinking that maybe I should do a blog post all about Bruno, my faithful companion of 9 years, and the ever present and willing Redhound muse. My photographer always loves to take pictures of him because he behaves like a real pro! Well I suppose offering him fresh chicken or cheese probably has helped somewhat!!! 

Here are some of my favourite pictures of my boy. 

as I am now in danger of boring you all, just one more!

So there you have it, my selection of the best photos of who I believe to be the most beautiful of blue whippets the hound world has ever known.

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Lazy Dog Days

We've gone all bright and summery here at Redhound HQ. Our new donut dog beds are now available in four new patterns to compliment your home and give your dog the best snoozing experience he or she has ever had!!

                        Bright Circles 

                          Purple Spot

These two will brighten up any sunny room and your dog will love to snuggle into them! You will love the fact that they are washable, oh yes ladies, washable, put the whole bed in the machine, easy! 

Then we have the more muted Grey Spot, and Grey Scandi print,if you love that retro look.

                           Grey Spot

                          Grey Scandi

You can see how much our super dog models love these beds,thank                    you Miller, Tinker and Nolly!

Friday 1 June 2012

News from Redhound HQ

Wow what a busy week it has been! I started out by travelling all the way to Chepstow to the wonderful Maz of to do a photoshoot of all our new and exciting products! The doggie models were all lined up, Tinker the Jack Russel, Nolly the Spaniel, and Miller the Labradoodle! Coffee was drunk while we waited for our star of the day, Frank the Daschund. He arrived, had a bark and a sniff, and all was well!

We went down the beautiful garden path to the studio, where Frank took centre stage!! Lots of bribery by way of Klassy Canine treats was employed and we got some fantastic shots.
We took pictures of beds, bandanas, wax cotton coats, and even in the heat we managed to get a few of the new jumpers!
My stylish stylist assistant Kathy was such a great help, especially in the shots of all dogs together! We wait eagerly now to see the finished results!!
Then I hot footed it back home to get some goodies made and out in the post for our lovely customers. And now it's onto planning our first ever trade show!
Whippets have had a lazy week, general sleeping in a variety of beds, some playing with frisbee and much rolling in smelling horrid stuff! Business as usual at Redhound HQ.